To provide a constructive forum for Council Chairs to discuss concerns and problems uniquely faced by Council Chairs for the purpose of identifying viablesolutions that will help us further the Mission of TU, our Councils, and Chapters.
This group will primarily consist of current Council Chairs
Former Council Chairs will be allowed to join so that we may glean their wisdom
Feel free to add any practices/methods you use to get things done
Also feel free ask for advice on anything and everything you don't know how to handle
Finally, feel free to complain about anything and everything
Caveat to the above: for every question/complaint you'd better suggest a solution. The purpose of this group is to identify solutions. Above all else, be constructive and creative.
If you cannot abide by the above everything will be done to be remove you from the group.
Finally, be respectful of others. Some of us have been Chair for a long time; others, not so long. There is no question too inane or too obscure that we cannot solve.